Course outline

所要時間 :8時間
出  発 :Akinomiya Onsenkyo
到  着 :Yuzawa Sta.
備  考 :記載のコースはモデルコースとなります。

Course Guide

  • AAkinomiya Onsen

    Akinomiya Onsenkyo

    This is the oldest hot spring village in the prefecture. It is characterized by abundant nature and the differing hot spring water quality at each accommodation.

    Akinomiya Onsenkyo
  • B Doroyu Onsen & Kawarage Jigoku

    Doroyu-Onsen · Kawarage-Jigoku

    It is said that Doroyu-Onsen was opened 1,200 years ago. This is a hot spring with landscapes unchanged since ancient times. On the other hand, Kawarage-Jigoku is one of Japan's three major sacred grounds. The rugged slope provides an ominously desolate scene.​ ​

    Doroyu-Onsen · Kawarage-Jigoku
  • C Sukawa Plateau

    Sukawa Kogen

    This is a highland area located on the border of Iwate Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture. It is home to wonderful fall leaves.

    Sukawa Kogen
  • DOyasukyo


    This is a V-shaped valley. It was made by the rapids of the Minase River deeply eroding both its banks over many years.

  • EInaniwa Castle

    Inaniwa Castle

    Onoderashi governed the whole of the south of the prefecture for approximately 400 years from the early days of the Kamakura period (1185 to 1333). Inaniwa Castle was built at the site of this feudal lord castle. It also become a symbol of the area. Inaniwa Castle tells us about typical mountain castles in the Middle Ages. The hall located in the ruins of the outer citadel is a time tunnel that connects the present and past.

    Inaniwa Castle
  • F Kawatsura Sikki Museum

    Kawatsura lacquerware Museum

    This is a museum of the Kawatsura lacquerware that has a history and tradition of 800 years. You can see all the skills that have been handed down to the present day.

    Kawatsura lacquerware Museum
  • G Sightseeing in Yuzawa City

    Yuzawa city tourism


    Yuzawa city tourism
  • HYuzawa Sta.

    Yuzawa Sta.

    This over-track station has the concept of a warm station lit up in color that inherits a delicate and elegant history. The triangular roof design familiar as the symbol of the former station building has been inherited in the appearance designed in the image of the white walls of the many sake breweries found in Yuzawa.

    Yuzawa Sta.